Are you struggling with feeding your baby?

✓ Is breastfeeding painful?
✓ Are you concerned your child may have a lip or tongue tie?
✓ Do you want help with feeding difficulties? ....



Are you struggling with feeding your baby?

✓ Is breastfeeding painful?
✓ Are you concerned your child may have a lip or tongue tie?
✓ Do you want help with feeding difficulties? ....



Hi, I'm Reena, and like you, I know what it's like to find breastfeeding harder and more painful than I'd ever imagined. I remember thinking how can something so "natural" be so difficult? You don't need to feel like this.


The support you've been looking for is here.


Would you like to:

➔ Understand what a tongue tie is

➔ Explore the various treatment options 

➔ Gain access to the latest information anytime, anywhere

If you answered YES, then I'm really glad you're here. You see I developed this course to help parents (and other health professionals) navigate the often confusing and overwhelming journey through the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of oral ties in young children. In Tongue Ties: A Parents Guide you will find all you need to know about oral ties, and much more....

Would you like help to achieve pain-free breastfeeding, and optimal growth and development for your baby?

Simply by working through this course, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of breastfeeding and restricted oral tissues (ties), how they can impact feeding, and what to do if you suspect your little one has them.

Clear and concise information about oral ties

  • Definition and types of oral ties
  • Causes and risk factors
  • Common signs and symptoms in infants and children
  • Impact on feeding, speech, and development
  • Diagnosis and assessment procedures

Treatment options and decision-making support

  • Non-surgical approaches like myofunctional therapy and feeding support
  • Surgical procedures such as a frenectomy
  • Advantages and disadvantages of each option
  • Factors to consider when making treatment decision

Accessible and flexible learning

  • Watch modules at your own pace, anytime, anywhere
  • Learn from video lectures and downloadable resources
  • No need to juggle busy schedules or travel to appointments
  • Review materials and revisit topics as often as needed

" Dr. Reena, I've seen so many people for help. Why has it so hard to find the help we needed, and to get our child assessed for Oral Ties?"

This question is the reason I developed this course

➔ I've cared for thousands of families with feeding difficulties throughout my career as an Advanced Paediatric Osteopath and Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

➔ By supporting and equipping families through education and treatment, I have helped them achieve their parenting and feeding goals, whatever they may be (to breastfeed, bottlefeed, or mix-feed their baby).

➔ I was first introduced to Oral Ties by a patient more than a decade ago, little did I know how much that one appointment would send me seeking answers around the world, and altering my career path as a result... 

➔ I have undertaken further training and ongoing study in this developing field of healthcare, as I seek to provide families with the best possible care for their little ones

This course is intended to answer all your questions

➔ If you're a first-time parent (or a parent of many), and you are interested in finding out everything you need to know about Oral Ties

➔ If you're struggling with breast or bottle feeding, low weight gain, infant fussiness, or pain associated with feeding

➔ If you're seeking early detection and intervention for possible "oral ties".

➔ If you're feeling confused by mixed information or conflicting opinions and just need some clarity

➔ If you don't have access to suitably qualified health professionals in your local area 

➔ If you're a health practitioner interested in learning more about Oral Ties and feeding, from the unique perspective of an experienced IBCLC and Bodyworker


By the end of Tongue Ties: A Parents Guide you'll know:

  • All you need to know about how to identify potential oral ties in your child
  • How breastfeeding works, and why not all feeding difficulties are due to restricted oral tissues
  • What type of assessment should be performed to adequately assess oral function, and who can diagnose oral ties
  • What treatment options are available - from non-surgical to surgical, and how they can complement each other 
Yes, I'm Ready

Let's take a look at what's inside

Module 1: Tongue Tie - What is it?
  • Introduction
  • Definition
  • Types and Classification of Oral Ties
  • Potential Causes
Module 2: Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Assessment
  • Common Signs and Symptoms of Tongue Tie (Infants)
  • Common Signs and Symptoms of Tongue Tie (Children)
  • Tongue Tie Diagnosis - Is a Picture Enough?
  • What is an Oral Assessment and is it Necessary?
Module 3: Treatment Pathways
  • Non-Surgical Approach to Tongue Tie
  • Surgical Management of Tongue Tie
Module 4: Summary & Resources
  • Oral Ties Checklist
  • Assessment Tools
  • Suggested Reading and Resources
  • Personalised Support

* PLUS *

I'm going to throw in some BONUSES to ensure you are well equipped 

Boost Your Milk Supply

If you're looking to boost your breast milk supply and nurture a thriving breastfeeding relationship with your little one, this guide is here to help you every step of the way.

Sleep vs Hunger Cues

Understanding your newborn's cues can make a world of difference. Learn the subtle signs that indicate whether your baby is tired and ready for sleep, or if it's time for a feed.

Here's what's included in
Tongue Ties: A Parents Guide

With this program, you'll get:

1. Access to Online Course (Value $297)

2. Oral Ties Screening & Checklist (Value $97)

3. BONUS! Boost Your Milk Supply - Tips and Tricks from an IBCLC (Value $47)

7. BONUS! Know Your Baby - Infant Sleep vs Hunger Cues (Value $47)

  Total Value = ($488)  




One Time Payment


I've Still Got Questions

No problem - check out the most frequently asked ones below...

Ready to gain clarity?

I provide you with the exact processes, procedures, and advice shared daily with the families who seeking our support for infant feeding and oral assessments, at my practice Completely Aligned. Join me and equip yourself with the information you need to effectively address oral ties.

I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready 👈

Ready to gain clarity?

I provide you with the exact processes, procedures, and advice shared daily with the families who seeking our support for infant feeding and oral assessments, at my practice Completely Aligned. Join me and equip yourself with the information you need to effectively address oral ties.

I'll see you on the inside!

👉 Yes! I'm Ready